Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

A free-to-play card game based on CD Projekt Red's popular Witcher franchise.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Screenshots
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CD Projekt Red
CD Projekt Red
Card Game

About Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Gwent is a free-to-play card game for PC and XBox One, based on CD Projekt Red’s popular Witcher franchise. The game features both a multi-player and single-player mode with adventures, skirmishes and a player vs. AI mode. All of this is developed by the same team behind The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. In fact, the core game is based on the card game featured in Wild Hunt, but with several new additions. The stand alone card game features new card art, voice overs and skills. There is even a competitive PvP mode built completely from scratch for Gwent. As with any card game, players will be able to choose a deck type (or faction), build it out, and go into battle against other players. Gwent features a gameboard with a battlefield built of three rows, melee, ranged, and siege. Each row can be populated with cards of varying stats. A game is won when a player takes two out of three rounds.

Minimum System Requirements

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