

A free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter set in an asylum!

Deceit Screenshots
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About Deceit

Deceit is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter set in an asylum. Players are part of a group, a third of which has been infected with a virus. The ultimate goal is to get the hell out, but in order to do that players will need to find allies and complete objectives while managing avoid the infected who transform into a nightmare form. As players progress and make decisions that will allow them to achieve their objectives, they will gain information that informs them as to what team theyโ€™re on. At the same time, players will need to contend with blackout periods that allow the infected to transform, becoming faster, stronger, and equipped with night vision. The game features fast paced gameplay, and insane combat in which players will need to behave strategically in order to survive.

Minimum System Requirements

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