

A 4v4 MOBA with hero-specific strategies.

Fangs Screenshots
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Hidden Leaf Games
Hidden Leaf Games

About Fangs

Fangs is a 4v4 MOBA with a customizable experience developed and published by Hidden Leaf Games. Players can unlock and alternate hero-specific augments to make their hero their own. The game boasts a diverse cast of characters, both in background and style. The developer’s intention is for players to really find a hero that resonates with them. The game’s customization system allows players to change augments for each round, assuring that their own personal style can complement that of their teammates. Augments offer players the chance to boost abilities – a little more healing here, a little more damage there. Fangs is designed to be fast-paced, cutting out a lot of the stuff that causes other MOBA matches to drag out. It focuses on teamwork with the ultimate goal being that players feel like part of a community. The game is also intended to be friendly to new players and veterans and is described as “easy to learn and hard to master”.

Minimum System Requirements

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