Dungeon Fighter Online

Dungeon Fighter Online

A free to play arcade-style side-scrolling action game mixed with RPG elements.

Dungeon Fighter Online Screenshots
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Neople (Subsidiary of Nexon)

About Dungeon Fighter Online

Dungeon Fighter Online is a 2D free to play multiplayer arcade-style beatโ€™em up game developed by Neople. It features 2D side-scrolling action fighting with some roleplaying elements including, along with multiple unique classes and some PvP. In Dungeon Fighter Online you will traverse the game fighting hordes of monsters trying to keep you HP and MP meter high as you battle your way to the more difficult stages of the game. You HP meter will decrease as you get hit and your MP meter will decrease as you use your skills. When you begin your beatโ€™em up experience you can choose from several different classes. You can choose from the Male Slayer, Blade Master, Soul Bender, Berserker, Asura, Female Slayer, Sword Master, Dark Templar, Demon Slayer, Vagabond, Male Gunner, Ranger, Mechanic, Spitfire, Launcher, Female Mage, Elementalist, Summoner, Battle Mage, and Witch. Each of these classes has very unique abilities and gear that you can customize as you adventure through the world. The combat in Dungeon Fighter Online can be either passive or active. All of the classes have abilities that you can choose to either let active on their own, which will make them cost a lot of MP, or you can choose to activate them yourself, which will make the MP cost of the ability go down.

Minimum System Requirements

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